' The RoJ LiGht's new album 'Natural Law' is his best work yet and is the culmination of over twenty years of recording experience, showcasing a unique blend of indie, electronic and authentic inspirational and sometimes heart breaking ballads that takes the listener on the 'Hero's Journey' through the 'Dark Night Of The Soul' through dreams and nightmares but eventually finding its way out of the woods onto the stage of life. '
The RoJ LiGht AKA RoJ Whelan retired from a promising career in International cricket with Ireland in 2007 to pursue his musical ambitions. As a cricketer, he travelled all over the world and famously bowled out Sachin Tendulkar, the Indian generally recognised as the leading batsman of all time.
As well as recording extensively with his band he set up a production company, RoJnRoll Productions, through which he has produced numerous award winning documentary films and worked with some of the leading organisations and personalities in Irish culture and beyond.

He has released four albums and an EP to date and his unique version of Bob Dylans 'Masters Of War' has upwards of a million impressions across numerous platforms and continues to gain traction today.
“ I believe the energy that songs contain can be used as a powerful force for good in the world, music is like an amazing communicator gifted to us from a higher power. I believe the right song at the right moment can change the world. "
“ I feel there aren't enough artists speaking out against the established powers and giving a voice to the working class, the oppressed and those in need. In this over globalised and corporatised world, there's a very real danger that we lose what's really important to all of us. The average everyday person is what makes this world go around in every sense. And what's important to us is love, connection, health, family, friends, and community. I believe a small gesture of kindness can change a person's life in a very profound and positive way and that's what I base my philosophy on. ”

' Natural Law ' is out now along with The RoJ LiGhts remastered back catalogue available on all streaming services.